Stacker, Shiploader, Hopper, Bucket Wheel Reclaimer Manufacturer
Aggregate Conveyor Belt

Aggregate Conveyor Belt

Aggregate conveyor belt is a very import machine to transfer, load, and stockpile sand, gravel, crushed stone, recycled concrete, and asphalt. SKE provide aggregate conveyor belt for sale.

Buy an aggregate conveyor belt for your next material handling project and you'll quickly reap the benefits of faster production, improved material quality, and reduced expenses. Optimized job-sites make it possible to move, load, and stack material with fewer loaders and haul trucks, lower fuel usage, and less labor. With the right equipment, you can also avoid stockpile segregation and improve the quality of your finished product.

It is mainly used in aggregate crushing plant and stockyard of batching plant, concrete plant, port, terminal, etc.

Radial Aggregate Conveyor Belt

The radial stacker can be installed with telescopic unit. It will enlarge the volume of stockyard. It is a type of portable conveyor. The telescoping conveyors is ranging from 130’ to 190’ in length. The radial stacking conveyors is ranging from 40’ to 150’ in length.

Standard radial stackers are sufficient in numerous applications. With telescoping conveyors, the radial stackers are used when large volume, fully desegregated stockpiles are required. Both travel in one towable load, have radial shifting axles, and provide quick transitions from road to work.

Radial Aggregate Conveyor Belt

Radial Telescopic Aggregate Conveyor Belt

Application of Aggregate Conveyor Belt

Our aggregate conveyor belt can move aggregate, load aggregate, and stack aggregate. Our portable aggregate conveyors can be found at quarries, stock yards, construction sites, and remediation projects around the nation. They are an effective material handling solution for:

  • Loading ships, barges, bins, and bunkers;
  • Building high volume, desegregated stockpiles of sand, gravel, crushed stone, recycled concrete, and asphalt;
  • Transferring high volumes of soil cement from pugmill plant to discharge hopper;

Compared to traditional methods of truck hauling and loader stockpiling, aggregate conveyors are prized with reducing labor, fuel, and maintenance costs. Telescoping conveyors and radial stackers move, load, and stack material where trucks can't. Even more, they can be paired with bins, hoppers, and other material handling equipment to meet the unique need of any operation, even those in remote locations or with a small footprint.

Need to stockpile or transfer aggregate by using aggregate conveyor belt? You can tell me your detail requirement, and we will contact you and send you a aggregate conveyor belt system solution.

Wood Chips & Pulp Conveyor Aggregate Conveyors

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