Stacker, Shiploader, Hopper, Bucket Wheel Reclaimer Manufacturer
The Common Ways of Receiving Bulk Materials and Feeding A Mobile Shiploader

The Common Ways of Receiving Bulk Materials and Feeding A Mobile Shiploader

Our mobile shiploaders are types of bulk materials shiploaders. The mobile shiploader plays a very important role in port and in-land terminal.

The mobile shiploader plays a very important role in port and in-land terminal. The have stronger mobility and can move easily from one point to another point of a port. Our mobile shiploaders are types of bulk materials shiploader.

The Ways of Receiving Bulk Materials

Although our mobile shiploader can be fed by fixed belt conveyor, using the mobile bulk materials reception feeder are much more commonly in actual projects.

Receiving Bulk Materials from Trucks

Receiving Bulk Materials from feeders

The Ways of Feeding A Mobile Shiploader

According to the bulk materials receiving method, the feeding ways may be a little different from each other.

From truck unloader to A Mobile Ship Loader

When you need to Receive Bulk Materials from Trucks, you may need a truck unloader. The truck unloader can be movable or fixed. It can receive bulk materials directly from trucks and then to feed a mobile shiploader. You also can add our grasshopper conveyor, working as transfer conveyor, to link the truck unloader and the shiploader.

From Truck Unloader to A Mobile Shiploader

The feeding points quantity of truck unloader can be 1, 2 or 4. The truck unloading capacity can range from 500 to 2000 t/h.

From Hopper Feeder to A Mobile Shiploader

When you need to Receive Bulk Materials from Wheel Loaders, you may need a mobile hopper feeder. The hopper feeder also can be movable or fixed. The feeding and loading points will change with the loading position.

Like the truck unloader, you can add our grasshopper conveyors to link the hopper feeder and mobile shiploader. The wheel loader can feed bulk materials from both side of mobile hopper feeder. The feeding capacity of single mobile hopper can range from 500 to 2000 t/h.

From Fixed Conveyor to A Mobile Ship Loader

When the materials are coming from a fixed conveyor, you can install a mobile shiploader at the discharging point. You also add the grasshopper conveyor to expand the working area of your mobile shiploader.

On the other end of fixed conveyors, you may use mobile hoppers and truck unloaders to feed the fixed belt conveyor. You also can build fixed hoppers on the fixed conveyor belts. The feeding capacity can range from 500 to 4500t/h.

Noted: all handling capacity is calculated according to the bulk density of 1.6t/m³.

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