Stacker, Shiploader, Hopper, Bucket Wheel Reclaimer Manufacturer
Radial Stacker Stockpiling Capability

Radial Stacker Stockpiling Capability

The innovative design of radial telescopic stacker allows for up to +30% larger stockpile capacity when compared to conventional fixed length conveyor systems.

We know that radial stacker is one of the most efficient stockpiling method. Using a telescopic stacking conveyor enable users to increase the stockpiling capacity up to 30%. Here we introduce a 42m stacker ( KYD1042 and KYD 3042 ) (fully extended) to you.

Radial Stacker Stockpile Dimension

Radial Stacker Stockpiling Capability

Item Metric - Pile Dimension Imperial - Pile Dimension
A 68 223’
B 91 229’
C 112 268’
D 43 142’
E 51 167’
F 76 251’
G 101 334’
G 12.6 41’

Radial Stacker Stockpile Capacity

Stockpile Capacity (Volume)

Degree Stockyard (m³) Stockyard (yd3)
0 4,372 5,718
45 12,224 15,988
90 20,075 26,257
180 35,778 46,796
270 51,480 67,333

Stockpile Capacity (Mass)

Degree Stockyard (Tonnes) Stockyard (Ton)
0 6,995 7,698
45 19,558 21,514
90 32,120 35,332
180 57,245 62,969
270 82,368 90,605

Radial Stacker Stockpiling Efficiency

Tonnage 200 - 3,000 t/h
Belt Width 900 - 1,500mm
Structure Some Configurations are needed.

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